Friday, November 12, 2010

Paige Tyler has 3 New Releases in December just for you! DEAD SEXY, SEXY SECRET SANTA and PROTECTIVE CUSTODY. Just in time for the holidays!!!

DEAD SEXY by Paige Tyler comes out December 10th with Ellora's Cave.


Romance author Simone Kent thinks she might just have found the most perfect guy in all of New York City – in bed and out.

But Drake Parrish is about as far from perfect as any man can get. Eight years ago, he was cursed by an evil Voodoo priestess to live part of his life as a zombie. Since then, he has lived like a recluse on New York’s Upper East Side, afraid to go out for fear he’ll suddenly turn into one of the walking dead.

Being with Simone reminds him of everything he was forced to give up and Drake finds himself feeling things for her that he hasn’t felt in a very long time. When the Voodoo priestess learns of their relationship, however, she comes after him again. She doesn’t believe Drake has paid for his sins and is determined to make sure he won’t have a future with Simone, even if that means killing the woman he loves.


As she led him up the steps to the second floor, Drake found himself wondering if she would ask him in. And wondering what he’d say if she did. When they came to a stop outside the door to her apartment, Simone turned to give him a smile.
“I had a great time tonight.”

“Me, too.”

She caught her bottom lip between her perfect white teeth and chewed on it thoughtfully as if unsure what she wanted to say next. It was probably an unconscious gesture, something she did whenever she was thinking, but to him, it was sexy as hell and all he could think about was kissing her.

Surely, one kiss couldn’t hurt. He desperately wanted to. He hadn’t kissed a woman in so long. It would be nice to see if he still remembered how.
Before he could stop himself, Drake tilted Simone’s face up to his and pressed his mouth to hers.

She tasted just as sweet and delicious as he thought she would. Her lips were soft and pliant under his as she kissed him back, her tongue eagerly seeking his out.
Drake groaned and slid his hand into her hair, deepening the kiss. Simone sighed into his mouth, running her hands up the front of his shirt to grasp his shoulders. The feel of her touch was like a tonic to his deprived soul and he let out another groan, deeper this time.

He ran his free hand up her side and around to her breast, cupping it through the soft material of her dress. He couldn’t stop himself and apparently, Simone didn’t want him to. She moaned and arched against him. He could feel the heat of her pussy through their clothes as she pressed up against his hard cock. Damn, she felt good.

Drake drew her bottom lip into his mouth and gently suckled on it before slowly kissing his way along the delicate curve of her jaw. Simone clutched his shoulders and tilted her head back. He eagerly trailed a path of hot kisses down her neck, then back up, his mouth finding hers again. Simone looped her arms around his neck, pulling him in even closer as their tongues met.

Down the hall, a door slammed, reminding him where they were.
Drake dragged his mouth away from hers, his breathing ragged as he tried to regain control. He had to get it together because he was about five seconds away from doing something really stupid. Like taking her to bed. “I should go.”

Her lips curved into a sexy, flirtatious smile. “Or you could stay.”

God, how he wanted to. But as much as he’d love to spend the rest of the night exploring every inch of her body, he couldn’t take the chance he might go zombie on her right in the middle of sex. Talk about coitus interruptus, And it had already been almost four days since he last turned, which meant he was already pushing his luck.

“You don’t know how much I want to,” he groaned. “But I can’t.”

Simone looked up at him with those big, blue eyes. “Why not?”

“Because I…” He hesitated, trying to come up with something that would sound believable. “I have a column due in the morning and I haven’t even started on it yet.” She knew all about deadlines, so she would understand that. Besides, he did have a column to write, it just wasn’t due until next week. “Rain check?”
She looked disappointed, but she smiled anyway. “Absolutely. How does coming over for dinner tomorrow night sound?”

It would be crazy to agree when he could be so close to having an episode, but he couldn’t say no. Not when she asked in that soft, sultry voice. “Sounds great.”
“Good. Be here at seven.”
“Seven it is.”

She pulled him down for another long, slow kiss on the mouth. “Don’t be late.”
His mouth twitched. “I won’t.” He bent his head to kiss her again, then groaned. “If I don’t go now, I’ll be here all night.”

Simone laughed. “Would that be such a bad thing?”

“Not to me, but my editor at Money Issues might not be too understanding when he doesn’t find my column sitting in his inbox tomorrow.”

She sighed. “Deadlines can be a real pain in the butt sometimes. Okay, go home and write your column. I’ll cuddle up with a bowl of ice cream instead.”

He chuckled. “Sounds better than taking a cold shower, which is what I’m going to be doing when I get home.” He closed his mouth over hers once more. “See you tomorrow night, beautiful.”

Resisting the urge to pull her into his arms again, Drake turned and walked down the hallway toward the stairwell. At the top of the steps, he glanced over his shoulder to see Simone standing where he’d left her, a sexy curve to her lips.

It took every ounce of strength he possessed not to go back and pin her against the door for one more long, lingering kiss. God, what he wouldn’t give to spend the night with her. Man, it was going to take more than a cold shower to get her out of his head.

Also coming December 10th by Paige Tyler "SEXY SECRET SANTA" from Ellora's Cave!


Hollie Kerr has lusted after hot architectural engineer Dirk Fraser ever
since they started working together, so she’s thrilled to discover he’s her Secret
Santa at the office Christmas party. What she doesn’t know is that her friend has
led him to believe Hollie prefers a good spanking over a boring, old present any

Though Hollie is surprised when Dirk put her over his knee, she can’t pass up the
opportunity to get spanked by a hunky guy like him. Her upturned bottom isn’t
the only thing that gets hot, however, and soon they’re having sex right there in the office. By the time they come up for air, the party has wrapped up, their
coworkers have left and the building is locked up tight.

What’s a girl supposed to do when she’s trapped all night in the office with
a gorgeous guy? Have sex in all the places she’s ever fantasized about, of

PROTECTIVE CUSTODY Coming December 1st from Whiskey Creek Press Torrid!


Paisley McCoy is a sexy reporter who writes about the San Francisco club scene
for a local magazine. Having a dad on the police force has led to one hard and fast
rule--she doesn’t date cops. She likes her men sensitive and intellectual, two
qualities in short supply in any cop she’s ever met. However, when her safety is
threatened and her life in danger, she gets stuck with a standard-issue cop for a
bodyguard--aggressive, opinionated, and certain he’s always right. In short, the complete opposite of the kind of man she usually goes for.

Gray Beckham is a no-nonsense cop who’s peeved about being taken off a
major burglary investigation to babysit the captain’s bratty daughter. Just
because she’s gorgeous doesn’t change the situation. His career is
important and she acts as if the whole situation is a joke and insists she
doesn’t need his protection. While she might be sexy as hell, there’s no way
he’s going anywhere near her, not if he can help it.

Despite their differences, though, Paisley and Gray can’t deny the
chemistry between them. As that connection turns into a romance neither
can avoid, they find out that the stalker is a far greater threat than they
originally thought. They’re dealing with a crazed lunatic who has decided
that if he can’t have her, no one will.

You can get a sneak peek at these three books and Paige Tyler's other upcoming releases, on her website. Paige Tyler: Sexy Romantic Fiction

For a taste of this author's tempting and oh so hot, and I mean scorching hot, writing, download a free copy of "Caught Red Handed" from Ellora's Cave here

And for more about Paige Tyler, excerpts from her other incredibly steamy books and some of the hottest cover art I have every drooled over, visit her blog!

* * * * *

About Paige Tyler

"Paige Tyler is a full-time, multi-published, award-winning writer of erotic romance.

She and her research assistant (otherwise known as her husband!) live on the beautiful Florida coast with their easy going dog and their lazy, I-refuse-to-get-off-the-couch-for-anything-but-food cat.

When not working on her latest book, Paige enjoys reading, jogging, doing Pilates, P90X, going to the beach, watching Pro football, and vacationing with her husband at Disney.

She loves writing about strong, sexy, alpha males and the feisty, independent women who fall for them. From verbal foreplay to sexual heat, her wickedly hot stories of romance, adventure, passion and true love will bring a blush to your cheeks and leave you breathlessly panting for more!"

Look for her stories at Ellora's Cave, Whiskey Creek Press Torrid and Blushing Books."

More ways to enjoy what Paige has to offer!
The Official Facebook Newsletter

All information for this post was "borrowed" from Paige Tyler's Web Page, Newsletter and Blog for the express purpose of advertising for Ms. Tyler's Newest Releases. All information remains the intellectual property of Ms. Tyler and also remains under the original copyright.
© Paige Tyler, 2010

Article and post written by:
Lady Gina Kincade, The Mistress
Author of Erotic and Erotic Paranormal Romance
Official Facebook Page of Gina Kincade

Founder and Administrator of Mistress Journals Erotic Stories Forum at

Owner of MJS Publishing (July 2011): Specializing in the creation of erotic and erotic paranormal e-books by the next "hot" generation of authors!

Copyright ©2010 Mistress Journals

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gina!

    Thanks so much for the promo! You so rock!

