Friday, October 8, 2010

New Release: "Dog Days" by D.C Moody Available Now!!

It's the Dog Days of August 1948 and all Deputy Sonny Watson is concerned with is beating the heat, that is, until he learns that his lifelong friend Riley Jenkins has been murdered.

In a shocking move the Sheriff of Cairo County, South Carolina puts Sonny in charge of the high profile investigation, raising questions about the Sheriff's motives and revealing everyone's complete lack of confidence in the young deputy.

Sonny is eager to find his friend's killer but along the way must face some realities about Riley, the Sheriff, the community he loves, and the wife he adores.

Riley's death leads Sonny on a chase that touches the community and one of the state's most prominent families. Somewhere along the way Sonny discovers more than he could have imagined and is faced with some tough choices that he's not sure he's ready to make.

The official release date for the book is October 10, 2010...but it is available now!

To purchase through Barnes and Noble, click here or use advanced search with the title, Dog Days, and the author's name D.C. Moody and it will pop right up...the graphics for the cover art wont be available until October 10, but they do have the novel.

Please join D.C Moody at his official facebook fan page here
"Dog Days: D.C. Moody"


Readers had this to share about "Dog Days" by D.C. Moody:


Posted October 1, 2010, 9:41 PM EST: I am an avid reader, and was pleasantly and thoroughly surprised by this first-time author. Not only does he keep you guessing, but he manages to paint an image with each page, bringing his characters and this Southern town to life. Being a Southern girl myself, I can appreciate this even more. The characters were not only interesting, but believable. The twists and turns in the story line will keep you guessing, and Sonny will win your heart. Really looking forward to this author's next book! My only complaint? What took him so long to get published????

I was BLOWN AWAY! If you are a mystery fan, don't miss this one!

Posted September 28, 2010, 1:18 PM EST: I have to admit I was reluctant when I found out this was the author's first novel, boy was I surprised when I couldn't put it down. The story, the characters, the plot...they all grabbed me, not to mention that there is just something about a Southern story teller that can make you see what you're reading! I can't wait for more.

Highly Recommend

Posted September 24, 2010, 2:55 PM EST: Great Book and what a surprise ending , keeps you guessing and wanting to finish the book or sneak a peak at the ending to see who dunnit !!! I would recommend this book to all mystery lovers..I would read this Author again..I can"t believe this is his first novel..M.M

The primary source of the information for this post has been copied from the original author D.C. Moody's facebook group page at and the Barnes & Noble's website at with the express intention of advertising for his new release with his permission. No part of this post is intended to infringe upon the copyrights of the author, publisher or any other affiliation who may hold such rights.

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