Monday, June 28, 2010

"The Mis-use of Double Letters" - A Pet Peeve By Lord Belthizor

Hello my loyal subjects,

In this article, I wish to address an issue which causes me much ire, and that is the use and subsequent mis-use of double letters in a word.

This annoys me to no end, as oft times, the addition or omission of a double letter can lead to a different word entirely, not only in meaning, but in the sound of the word as well.

Observe: Here we have the humble "O"; Fifteenth letter of the alphabet and fourth vowel. This letter is the most commonly mis-used of them all.

An example, if I may: "Lose" versus "Loose". There's a very big difference here as I'm sure you can see. LOSE means to NOT WIN whereas LOOSE means NOT TIGHT. So if you lovely erotic writers are trying to tell me that a particular girl did not win the race, this should be written with only a single "O".

So, why do I constantly see double "O's"? The girl did not LOOSE the race. It's just not possible! Put in the opposite and it makes even less sense: The girl will tighten the race. How the hell could you get that mixed up!?

So, here is where we look at how to avoid such collossal cock-ups: SOUND IT OUT.

LOSE has one "O", but also an "E" on the end. Any single-voweled word with an "E" on the end automatically applies the 'long-sounding' version of the vowel. Sound the word out to get an idea of how it sounds: "If it has a voiced Z sound, then it’s “lose.” If it has a hissy S sound, then it’s “loose.” Here are examples of correct usage: “He tends to lose his keys.” “She lets her dog run loose.”
Note that when “lose” turns into “losing” it loses its “E.” "(1)

That wasn't so bad, was it? If you're still confused, "loose" has the word "loo" in it, I trust you know what a Loo is... I also trust that when you announce it politely, you don't say, 'I'm going to the lo'.

Another annoyance with double "O's" is the 'word' "Oops". Same deal as above. "Oops" should ALWAYS have two "O's". NO exceptions. Get it. Got it? Good.

It's really quite simple when you think about it, and it shouldn't have to happen. A double letter can make all the difference.

So, homework for today - identify other double lettered words that have a single letter counterpart (like "lose" and "loose") and correctly use them in a sentence.

NO CHEATING! Now, I am trusting you, and I can assure you, I will be double checking all submitted answers. Cheaters WILL lose (or is it loose ?) marks.

Until my next article,
This Lord Belthizor, Assistant Editor for Mistress Journals, signing off.

One last thing, if you wish to contact me with suggestions for my next article, or even just to discuss something with me, please don't hesitate to do so. I may be a sour bastard at times, but I'm also helpful.


(1) accessed 28 June 2010

This article courtesy of Lord Belthizor of Mistress Journals Erotic Stories Forum

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