Friday, May 28, 2010

The 4th Installment of "A Vampire's Kiss" Is On Sale Now!

Vol.1, No.4 (Chapters 10-11)

One week later, Sara moves from Charleston to Columbia and settles into Maylene's guest bedroom. On Monday morning she arrives at Manigault Technologies for her first day of work. At this point Sara hasn't seen Dray for a week, and you know what that means, right? This kinky Green Witch is feeling rather sex-starved, and she intends to do something about it. Yeah, things are heating up at Manigault Technologies now that lusty Sara is working there. Poor Dray. His business will never be the same again! *naughty grin*

New Price: $0.99 cents!!

To order in pdf, go to:

To order from the Kindle Store, go to:

“A Vampire's Kiss: Book One of the Manigault Vampires” A MUST READ!!!

The Manigault Vampires Series by Laura Stamps is an ebook novel series of a nature typical of Laura Stamps usual book style…HOT HOT HOT! It’s one of those naughty series you start and just can’t put down!

From Laura:

“The Manigault Vampires is a serialized, paranormal erotica series published by Kittyfeather Press. The first novel in this series is A Vampire's Kiss. Here's what it's about:

"Sara Gadsden is a Wiccan Green Witch addicted to paranormal romance novels and their gorgeous vampire heroes. Like most people, she has no idea vampires actually exist until she meets Drayton Manigault at a Samhain party. Dray is not only one of Columbia's wealthiest businessmen, but he's also been a vampire for the last 145 years. Oh, and he's totally yummy. When Dray offers Sara a job working for his computer company, Manigault Technologies, fantasy collides with reality, and Sara's future is suddenly transformed into one wild, smokin' HOT ride!"

I know a serialized novel series is an unusual concept. But when have I ever done anything normal? *lol* This is the only erotica series of mine that is serialized. That means instead of it being published in book form, Kittyfeather Press is publishing it in monthly installments named after the series, The Manigault Vampires. In each monthly issue you'll find three chapters from the first novel in this series (A Vampire's Kiss). Each issue will go on sale the first week of the month. Perfect for those who love romantic vampire erotica! Think of this as your smokin' HOT vampire fix every month from award-winning erotica novelist Laura Stamps. What could be better, right? *lusty grin*

Laura has given us volume one and two, and finally volume three is here!!! For those of you have been waiting for it, order it now from her Vampy Blog page

Laura Stamps, Author of “The Witchery Series” as well as many other incredibly stimulating erotic and erotic paranormal books, is a lusty, paranormal erotica novelist & the award-winning author of 45+ books for a reason my friends. She is just THAT good. 100% satisfaction guaranteed in my opinion.

Her latest erotica novel series: “The Manigault Vampires." As well as all her other books can be found on her Blog page or Naughty Web Page at where you can purchase her books, recommended adult fun items from her naughty adult shop and more!

And when this lady recommends something, Oh I can tell you there is a damn good reason and she is NOT usually wrong. I speak from personal purchase experience here! Both her books and the naughty shop can bring hours of fun into any relationship for sure!
I am more then happy with my purchases of books, lingerie and bedroom fun…lol

Be sure to check out her wickedly fun "Laura Stamps" Fan Page on Facebook!

Below is an excerpt from first chapter of “A Vampire's Kiss: Book One of the Manigault Vampires” for your reading pleasure. For the full story and future volumes, please visit Laura Stamps on her Vampire Blog.

Thank you Laura! Enjoy!

“A Vampire's Kiss: Book One of the Manigault Vampires” by Laura Stamps

“This is Drayton Manigault,” Noelle says to Sara, after dragging her away from Maylene and Blaine, and introducing her to several people at the party. “He’s Dracula tonight, in case you couldn’t tell.” She looks at him and snickers as if enjoying a private joke.

“And you must be Artemis,” Drayton says, ignoring Noelle. He takes Sara’s hand and bows gracefully. “You can call me Dray, sugar.”

Noelle snorts, pointing her finger at them. “Behave, you two. I’ll be back in a little while to check on you.” Still snickering, she disappears into the costumed crowd celebrating Samhain at her house.

Sara sticks her tongue out at Noelle and then turns to Dray. “I’m crazy about vampires,” she says, silently thanking the Goddess for sending this gorgeous man to Noelle’s party. “Are you Wiccan?”

Eye-candy and boy-toys are fair game as far as Sara is concerned, and Dray falls soundly in both categories. She lets her eyes slowly roam his body, not caring if he minds. If he protests, she’ll tell him she likes to appreciate a good-looking man. Men ogle attractive women all the time. Why should they have all the fun?

As Sara’s eyes caress Dray, she takes in his silky black hair flowing down to his waist, tied at the nape of his neck. He stands almost six feet tall, dressed in a tuxedo. A black cape lined with red satin drapes his broad shoulders. His body looks lean and firm, and he moves with the grace of a dancer. Hard to say how old he is, but he doesn’t look a day over thirty.

“Tasty,” she murmurs, licking her lips.

“No, I’m not Pagan,” he replies to her question, his dark eyes twinkling, as if he approves of her bold gaze. “But I assume you are.”

“Yeah,” she answers, taking another sip from the cup of punch Noelle’s boyfriend, Wynn, brought to her earlier. She gazes at the crowd in Noelle’s house, everyone laughing and talking while Pagan music flows from the CD player. “I’m a Wiccan Green Witch.”

“Interesting,” Dray replies, staring at her intently, a whimsical grin tugging at his lips. “Are you two-natured as well? Perhaps part Fey?”

Sara’s laugh is high and clear, like the tinkling of bells. “I don’t think so, but it’s funny you should ask. Blaine said the same thing last night.”


“He’s Maylene’s boyfriend. I’m staying with her this weekend.” She looks across the room, finds Maylene and Blaine talking with Savannah, and points them out to Dray. “I’ll bet they abandon me, considering the way they’ve been looking at each other all night.” She waggles her eyebrows. “The pheromones are so thick around those two I have to keep fanning myself.”

Dray chuckles.

“You and me both,” Noelle says, clomping up to them in the five-inch platform boots that are part of her Goth costume. “Hey, Dray. Do you need more punch?”

“No thank you, Noelle.” Dray inclines his head. “I’m fine.”

Noelle turns to Sara and hands her a key.

“What’s this?” Sara asks, sticking the key in the pocket of her costume.

Noelle snorts. “You were right. Maylene and Blaine are leaving. She’s spending the night at his house and said she’ll call you in the morning. That’s her door key.”

Sara looks at Dray. “See? I told you.”

“Do you need a ride?” Dray asks.

“No, but thanks anyway. She just lives five houses down.”

Dray nods and takes another sip of punch.

“I’m off to mingle,” Noelle chimes. “If you need anything, Sara, let me or Wynn know.” She hugs Sara and clomps off.

“So,” Sara says, turning her full attention to Dray. “Tell me what a yummy vamp like you is doing at a Pagan party?”

Dray clears his throat. “Yummy?”

“Definitely,” Sara replies, and waggles her eyebrows again, thinking a scrumptious man like Dray must be attached. “Where’s your date?”

“Excuse me?” Dray asks, raising his eyebrows. “Sara, do you always say exactly what you think?”

“Pretty much.” She puts her hand on her hip. “Now quit stalling and answer the question, big boy. Inquiring minds wanna know.”

Dray chuckles and shakes his head. “I’m not dating anyone at the moment, if that’s what you’re asking, sugar.”

“Hard to believe.” Sara smiles, knowing the planets must be in a favorable position tonight. It’s not often she meets a gorgeous, single man dressed as a vampire. No wonder Maylene moved to Columbia. All the good-looking men must hang out here.

“By the way, I love your hair,” Sara observes. “It’s so Yama.”

“Excuse me?”

Sara tilts her head. “Obviously, you don’t read erotica.”

Drays eyes widen. “And you do?”

“Oh, yeah,” she replies, draining her punch cup. “I think it’s important to be well read. Don’t you?”

Before he can answer, she turns him around and runs her hand down his silky black, waist-length hair. “Definitely, Yama.”

Dray allows her to turn him back around, his lips twitching, as if trying not to smile.

Sara points her finger at him when she sees his face. “There you go. Trying not to laugh at me.” She lifts her chin and glares at him. “For your information, your hair reminds me of the royal Yama in Emma Holly’s demon series.”

“Not vampires?”

“Nah, but these are totally yummy demons.”

“Ah,” he replies, unable to keep from smiling broadly. “I suppose that’s okay.”

“I’m changing the subject, big boy.” Sara narrows her eyes at him and ignores his comment. “So you’re a Manigault. That’s a Charleston name, isn’t it? Any relation?”

“Yes,” Dray replies to her first question, trying to hide his amusement. “A distant relative.”

“I thought so,” Sara tosses her punch cup in a wastebasket. “I live in Charleston, and everyone knows the Manigault House.”

“Have you been there?”

“No.” Sara smoothes and adjusts her costume now that both her hands are free. “I spend most of my time in my garden when I’m not working at the flower shop. I also help out part-time at a used bookstore.”


“You say that a lot,” Sara teases. “You need to expand your vampy vocabulary.”

Dray laughs out loud. “And you’re an expert on vampires?”

“Yeah,” Sara responds, nodding, “you could say that.” She wonders if Dray knows anything about the undead. Probably not. For all she knows he dressed like a vampire tonight because he looks fabulous in black formalwear. “I’ve read hundreds of vampy paranormal romance novels.”

“Ah, I see,” Dray replies, his eyes twinkling, a smile trying to curl the corners of his mouth.

“Go ahead and laugh. I know you want to. I’m used to it. But vampires are a hobby of mine.”

“I would never laugh at you, sugar,” Dray replies, tossing his empty cup in the same wastebasket. “Some of my friends, like Wynn, read those novels, too.”

“I know!” she exclaims, clapping her hands. “I just found out. Exciting, isn’t it?” She leans toward Dray. “Wynn is dressed like Ash tonight from the Dark-Hunter series. He’s totally yummy.” She winks. “Noelle is a very lucky girl.”

Dray shakes his head and slips his hands into his pockets, looking down at his expensive Italian loafers for a moment, hiding another smile.

Sara knows he’s trying not to laugh at her. He’s been smiling or chuckling at everything she’s said since Noelle introduced them an hour ago. No big deal. She’s used to that reaction in people.

Still it’s obvious he’s trying not to hurt her feelings. He keeps pulling those luscious lips of his into a thin line across his face.

She stares at his mouth, fascinated with how soft it is when he relaxes. In fact, Dray is such a tasty package she can only imagine how his kisses must feel. Smoldering is the word that comes to mind. If she’s lucky she’ll find out tonight.

“How do you know Wynn if you aren’t Pagan?” she asks, forcing herself to stop thinking erotic thoughts about Dray’s lips. A spike of desire ripples through her core, and she knows she’s treading on dangerous ground. The silky material of her costume isn’t going to hide how hard her nipples have suddenly become.

How To Order:

Each issue will go on sale the first week of the month. When that happens she will announce it to her newsletter email list. That means if you're not on her list, get on it asap! Send your email address to with “newsletter” in the subject line and then sit back and wait for your copy of her hot newsletter with all the info on what is new in “Laura Land” and your monthly notifications.

She will also announce it in her status updates on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Previous issues, Volume 1, 2 and now 3, are available already on her Vampy Blog:

Here's what the series looks like through the end of the year, including the monthly publication dates for these issues. When each issue is published in PDF form, an "Add to Cart" button will appear next to it for your ordering convenience.

All orders are processed using a secure server powered by E-Junkie & PayPal. If you don't have a PayPal account, no problem, She has set it up so you can also use your Visa or MasterCard to make your purchase. You can order one issue at a time or add multiple items to your shopping cart.

Each issue is published in a PDF and runs 21-30 pages in length, so even if you don't have an e-reader it'll be easy to read each issue on computer.

If you have a Kindle, no problem! All you have to do is send the PDF to the Kindle with "Convert" in the subject line, and it will be converted. Since the 2.3 Kindle update in December 2009 you need to put "Convert" into the subject line of the e-mail in order for Amazon to convert it for you. Yeah, it's that simple!

That's it! If you have any questions let her know at

Contact Info for Laura Stamps, “The Magickal SexWitch”
Author of Paranormal Erotica & Romance Novels
(HOT Vampires, Shapeshifters, Witches)

To see all her novel series:

Verrrrry naughty blog:

“Laura Stamps” Fan Page at Facebook:

Don’t forget to follow her on Twitter at:

All material contained herein this post is “borrowed” from Laura Stamps and is copyrighted by Laura Stamps. It has been used for the sole purpose of advertising for her. This information remains the intellectual property of Laura Stamps and at her request all or part can and will be removed at any time.

Neither Ms. Gina Kincade nor Mistress Journals make any representation on behalf of Laura Stamps for profit of any kind and none will ever be expected or accepted. This post is simply done as a gesture of good friendship and respect for a fellow author. Love you Laura!!

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