Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Mistress Journals of Gina Kincade "New Erotic Stories Forum" now has 254 members and 843 fans...Too many of you are missing out...WHY?!

The Mistress Journals of Gina Kincade "New Erotic Stories Forum" now has 254 members and 843 fans...Too many of you are missing out...WHY?!

If you enjoy hot erotic stories to feed your need or poems that tweak your heat, join us at the forum...

We welcome seasoned and aspiring authors to share their stories, get feedback and advertise your blogs and websites!

Readers, what is any story site without readers....!!!

Publishers, find your next hot authors here!

Come join us and Enjoy your day just a little more...

Don't miss the new "Dedicated Author's Den" where talented Authors "Vanion Skycladd" and "Keira" share their wickedly exciting, neck biting and heat me up Paranormal Stories!

We have some great non-erotic stories brewing too!
Don't miss out!

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